1. Reduce the amount, size, intensity, or importance of a thing.
2. Subdue or force to obey something or someone who offers resistance.
3.Changing or converting one thing into something else, usually smaller.
The legal status of an immigrant (body) determines whether they can walk down city´s streets on a regular basis or not. The everyday journeys that the immigrant (body) makes are affected if they do not have identification documents or a valid residence in the country. That, in legal terms, is known as an undocumented Immigrant. The police force carry out regular checks of the legal status of people (bodies) living in areas where statistics show that more irregularities are likely to be found. Those places are called “Warning Zones”. Whenever a warning goes out that police are in an area, undocumented immigrants (bodies) keep away from them to avoid being detected. The likelihood of beign caught determines which areas the immigrant (body) can more around in.
There is a police presence in the new zone. This means that undocumented immigrants (bodies) have to change the routes they take. If the immigrant (body) is intercepted, they are forcibly arrested and taken to the Alien Detention Centre (CIE). The forcible arrest and subjugation of the undocumented immigrant (body) is regulated by the Police Defense Manual established by the National Police Corps. The manual explains in detail how to use force to detain someone or, in other words, neutralise the undocumented immigrant (body) using combat techniques.
Reducción (Subdue) explores undocumented immigrant’s procedures of arrestment and violence in Spain.

Photographs of areas where (potentially) undocumented immigrants are arrested.
Two undocumented immigrants implementing the techniques in the Police Defense Manual to subdue each other. The procedure was instructed by a national police officer.
A police officer telling two undocumented immigrants (bodies) how to apply the Police Defense Manual in focibly detaining one another. This action was conducted under the instructions of a police officer from the National Police Corps.
22:00 mins.